
Women’s Ministry

Since 2007 special meetings for women are conducted every year. Many come to these meetings and worship God. Medical advice and counsel is provided for women regarding family life and also are encouraged with God’s Word. Further, singing competitions and Bible quizzes are conducted and prizes given to the winners. Good food and encouragement is also provided to them. Importance of prayer is taught to them which help them to become prayer warriors towards the church, the nation and their families. Many women come from different places and take part in these meetings.

Since 2007 special meetings for women are conducted every year. Many come to these meetings and worship God. Medical advice and counsel is provided for women regarding family life and also are encouraged with God’s Word. Further, singing competitions and Bible quizzes are conducted and prizes given to the winners. Good food and encouragement is also provided to them. Importance of prayer is taught to them which help them to become prayer warriors towards the church, the nation and their families. Many women come from different places and take part in these meetings.